Saturday, January 2, 2010

Apple Cider Turkey

One of my favorite holiday meals is turkey and stuffing. Yes, I know we just had Christmas and yes, I did make a turkey Christmas day. This meal is so good and I was not quite ready to say goodbye to turkey until Thanksgiving. So I came across a recipe, again in my recipe book 101 More Things To Do With A Slow Cooker . This one was titled:
Apple Cider Turkey
Here is the recipe:
3 to 4 pounds of boneless turkey breast, salt and pepper to taste and 1/3 cup apple cider. Place turkey inside greased slow cooker. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour apple cider over top. Cover and cook on low heat 8-10 hours. Internal temperature will be 190 degrees when done. Can substitute apple juice for apple cider.
Ok I took the idea of this recipe and made it my own. Since I live in a small town grocery stores are a bit sparce so finding boneless turkey breast was a bit hard when I was shopping at Walmart...BUT they had turkey cutlets. I rounded up 3-4 pounds of turkey cutlets, which may I add are not cheap. I also grabbed the apple juice amongst the New Years Day crowds. Arg, got home and my husband wonders why I got two giant bottles of apple juice punch. I had no idea they made apple juice punch. It is day two of my crockpot month and I wasn't going back shopping so this was going to have to work. I layered the cutlets in my greased crock pot. I added the juice (I useds 2/3 cups) and let it cook on low for 8 hours. I added some quick and easy stove top stuffing and green beans. Looks good RIGHT? This was a culinary crock pot DISASTER! It was so dry that milk was a must when trying to swallow each bite. I only got through two bites and decided I had enough. My daughter who enjoys everything plain ate more than I expected. I think because it was so bland she didn't mind it. My husband, bless his heart, ate more than he needed and agreed this is one I won't be doing again. So there you have it turkey in the crock pot (at least the way I did it) isn't so great. Turkey in the crock pot, a nice idea, but one I won't be repeating anytime soon. I think I will wait until Thanksgiving for the good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha!
    Maybe with a bigger chunk of turkey, it would work. I like the concept!
    Oh, and apple juice punch - ummm. Yummy? ;)
