Saturday, February 13, 2010


Friday I wasn't feeling well and my husband put on Batman the Dark Night, let's just say I only made it through 5 minutes before I passed out not because I don't like the movie but because I was sick and tired...anyways I made up for it big time. Hubby and I had a date night Saturday night and we had the privilege of watching Avatar.
This movie was amazing. We saw it in 3D and it was definitely one of those movies you want to see on the big screen. The color was brilliant, the special effects amazing and the story beautiful. I again want to say I LOVED IT!
Before I saw this movie I read a few reviews. The critics said it was racial and their was strong sense of enviromentalism. OK the racism was a stretch and seriously can someone please just enjoy the movie without reading into it that deeply....As for the environmental issues. Yes I saw it and to be honest it wanted me to go home and be as diligent at recycling as my good friend Julie is!!
Sam Worthington who plays main character, Jake Sully did a fabulous job and Zoe Saldana complimented him wonderfully. I was in AH to find that CCH Pounder played the Avatar Mother, Moat. The beautiful makeup and special effects made this movie!
I believe this movie is rated PG-13 for a reason. I read in one Fandango review that a lady had brought her 4.5 year old grandson. Shame on her! This movie has language and I will admit I was holding on tight to my husband's hand because I was scared. I always know I am in a good movie because seriously the theater was silent the whole time, except of course for the two people who forgot to turn their cell phones off...ARG! Also there was applause at the end...I never clapped but inside I was!

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