Friday, February 19, 2010


OK, I am beginning writing my blog while I am watching this movie. I would say that this is not a good sign. I am kind of bored but want to see how this shambles ends. I am sure many of you have done this before, you know you are watching a horrible movie but you just can't turn it off because you are curious if it will get better, have a good ending etc. HMM so I am too tired to turn it off so I guess I will finish watching it. I am enjoying Woody Harrelson if it is any consolation.


  1. How did you feel at the end? I really liked it. It is VERY kitschy, but I love horror films and it's kinda a mash up of horror/comedy.

  2. YEA, thought it was kind of sweet that he now felt his new friends as family but overall yea didn't like it...waste of time.
