Friday, January 1, 2010

30 Days of Crock Pot FUN!

I am so excited to start 2010 with this fun and fabulous new blog. I recently watched Julie and Julia, an adorable movie where a gal named Julie cooks through Julia Child's cookbook in a year. As I watched the movie I thought, "What a GREAT idea!" I can do that...well maybe I can't do a whole year of the same thing. Hmm just like Amy Adams' character in the movie, Julie, I am not very good at finishing huge projects when I start them. For example, all my attempts at weight loss, writing a novel, my kid's baby scrapbooks (I have been working on that one for eight years) and so many more. I do think I could do the same thing for a month. So this is where the idea of 30 Days of Fun came from. January my theme is 30 Days of Crock Pot Fun. A Slow Cooker as some like to call it. I love my crock pot. I use it at least five times a month. I was in shock when I explained my blog idea to my friend, Nicole, that she had a crock pot but had never used it. She continued to tell me she actually has one but it is still in the box unopened sitting in the closet and has been there for the last FOUR years. So my encouraging words for her to pull out the crock pot and use it WORKED! I explained to her that I love to make pot roasts in my crock pot. She called me a couple days later, she had a huge roast and said, "Ok, what do I do?" I told her my tricks and she added her spices and the next day she called. She loved it and was so excited that it turned out! Her husband and her three beautiful and hungry boys were also excited to have a yummy dinner. So this month is dedicated to Nicole. Do not be scared of your crock pot dear friend. Embrace it, celebrate it and by all means cook in it!! I will be cooking in my crockpot every day for the month of January, or so this is my goal. I will cook some of my family favorites and some brand new ones. I will cook from different cookbooks, recipes from friends and a couple of my own. My family will eat what I cook. I will let you know my opinion, my husbands and of course my 8 year old daughter and 5 year old son will let you know if your kids will like it. If you wish try each recipe and let me know how they turn out. I look forward to Crock Pot January! Happy crocking everyone!


  1. Love it, Liz! I'm following. How fun ;)

  2. Thanks Heather! I found your Mama Cook Blog. I am always following the George one, not so good at commenting but know I am reading it! I will have to try some of your recipes!

  3. I love it!I kind of felt the same way you did after seeing that movie, like I wanted to become a great chef and cook wonderful meals. Of course,that didn't happen but the spirit was there. I love your idea of this blog, it seems so fun. I will definitely be following you as I like to cook in my crockpot but alas, don't have many recipes. Thanks for your creativity!

  4. i'm totally excited to follow your culinary journey!!

  5. I just found your blog, Liz. I'm excited to follow it.

    Have you seen It's a lady who used her crockpot everyday for a year. I love her honest reviews of the food.

  6. I have seen that Lindy! Funny I have googled things and she comes up.
