Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cherry Delight

Last night I made homemade brownies. I had a Bible Study today and I was suppose to bring a dessert. So I made a 9 x 13 pan of brownies and was excited to have dessert for my family and dessert for the ladies today. Hmmm, like so many times my brownies crumbled a little too much for my liking and the presentation was sub par. So I turned to dessert idea number two. In the cookbook Fix-It and Forget-It it gives a little tip on cooking cakes in your crock pot. Let me quote the book:
You can use a 2-lb coffee can, 2 1 lb coffee cans, 3 16 oz. vegetable cans, a 6-7 cup mold, or a 1 1/2-2 quart baking dish for baking cakes in a slow cooker. Leave the cooker lid slightly open to let extra moisture escape.
I wanted to give this a try (see above pic, I used a Pyrex baking dish). So here is the recipe:
21 oz can cherry pie filling, 1 pkg yellow cake mix, 1/2 cup butter, melted, 1/3 cup walnuts, optional
Place pie filing in greased slow cooker (I put it in Pyrex dish and set the dish inside my crock pot). Combine dry cake mix and butter (mixture will be crumbly). Sprinkle over filling. Sprinkle with walnuts. Cover and cook on low 4 hours or on high 2 hours. Allow to cool then serve in bowls with ice cream.
The cake took 2 hours on high. I left the lid up a little for the first 30 minutes then closed it completely for an hour and then left the lid up a little the last 30 minutes. I cooled it in my fridge. So let me return to last night. Some very good friends of ours needed a little help. We consider this family part of our "Army Family" and lifelong friends so to say the least I would do anything for them. Anyways Mr. J had shouler surgery today and had to be at the hospital an hour away very early so their two kids spent the night with us. My kids are 5 and 8. Their kids 7 and 18 months. I am not used to having a baby in the house anymore. How quickly we forget the sleepless nights....The baby was up from 4:30am to 6:30am. I slept from 6:30 to 6:45 before my alarm went off. I quickly got ready as Bible study was at 9am and I had another meeting immediately afterwards. So I needed to be clean and pretty today! After taking care of myself, it was time to get 4 kids ready. Thank GOD my husband was here to help but seriously not easy and for those that have lots of kids...MORE POWER TO YOU! We got all the kids packed in two separate cars. My hubby took our kids to school and I took AJ to school and then Miss M to daycare. I hustled to Bible study. I was about to get out of the car and saw all these women carrying plates and bowls....I FORGOT THE DESSERT! What a day...I am exhausted...but I got to eat the cherry delight for dessert tonight. It was very good! It was really sweet so a small piece is plenty. This is definitely a dish I would do again.

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